LETA Keyboard
Manufacturers' page
The purpose of this page is to provide information to manufacturers about
LETA keyboard and to provide information to people who would like to purchase
a LETA keyboard.
Current Manufacturers:
04/16/01: Currently there are no manufacturers of LETA based keyboards.
If you are a manufacturer and would like more information, please feel
free to contact me.
[email protected].
Information for potential manufacturers:
The LETA keyboard specification is FREE and OPEN. There are no licensing
fees involved whatsoever. Anyone can read the specs and proceed to manufacture
and sell LETA-style keyboards.
I will gladly endorse any manufacturer that produces LETA style keyboards,
so please contact me so I can link to your company and pass the information
on to the LETA keyboard community.
More information:
If there is anything you think others would find useful, please let
me know and I will post it here.
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