LETA Keyboard Community page.
This page will be the primary source of information about how to get involved
with LETA keyboards, how to contact others who are invoved and to let
others know how to contact you!
Basically, if you want to contribute, I want to make it so you can.
I would really like to see as many people as possible get into the LETA
keyboard thing.
Current needs:
What I would like to see most right now (04/16/01) are the following:
An IRC/newsgroup formed.
An email newsletter or mailing list system.
A web based message board.
I would also appreciate help modifying or running this web-site.
Do you have an idea for another way to bring people together? Great!
Drop me a line and we'll get started!
[email protected]
*Please keep in mind that LETA keyboard is not a for-profit corporation:
it's not a corporation at all. These are not paid positions.

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*Face images on keys courtesy Copland
icons (I think)?