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LETA Keyboard FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions):

Do you have a question not answered on this page? Send it in!

General Questions:

1. Why is it called LETA? What does LETA stand for?

2. Where can I buy a LETA keyboard? How much does it cost?

3. Why are there so many characters on each key?

4. Why is the MODE key red?

5. Are high resolution (BIG) copies of images on the site available?

1. Question: Why is it called LETA? What does LETA stand for?
Answer: L, E, T and A are the home-row keys on the right-hand version. (see image below)

home row keys

The right-hand version came first because it contains the standard 10-key numberic keypad.

2. Question: Where can I buy a LETA keybard? How much does it cost?
Answer: As of 04/21/01, there are no manufactuers of LETA keyboards. It's just an idea on the drawing board, so to speak. If anyone is interested, I can put up a "Roll your own" page with instructions on how to build your own LETA style keyboard. I have a working prototype at home and the cost and effort was trivial. I built it from two broken keyboards I found in the attic.

How much does it cost?
You can't buy one yet since no one makes them. Hopefully this situation will change soon...

3. Question: Why are there so many characters on each key?
Answer: Each key has to have several meanings on a LETA keyboard. There are only 31 keys on a LETA keyboard whereas a standard keyboard today has 104 or more. Therefore most of the keys on the LETA keyboard have to do more than just enter a single letter or character.
For example, think of how the number keys on a standard keyboard perform more than one function.
Take the '2' key for example, if you press shift, it will enter a '@' symbol. The LETA keyboard simply has more "shift" keys, but we call them "Mode" keys.
For more information on how the LETA keyboard works, please visit the How it works page.

4. Question: Why is the MODE key red?
a red mode keyAnswer: The mode key and how it is used differentiate LETA keyboards from all other keyboards. I thought it would be cool to have a red key in the illustrations. One could just as easily have a white Mode key.

What might be cool is if users could replace a standard red or white mode key with a customized mode key that was for example,

blue blue mode key or carbon-fiber carbon fiber mode key? It's ten times stronger than steel and 1/10th the weight.

5. Question: Are high resolution (BIG) copies of images on the site available?
Answer: Yes. The majority of images here are 3D scenes which I can render at whatever resolution you like. I can output them as TIFF, TGA, or whatever format you like.
If there is substantial interest, I can post some hi-res images for download.

Do you have a question not answered on this page? Send it in!

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